Thursday, August 27, 2009

Where did the summer go?!?

Ok, so I guess I've been a bit busy moving apartments, working hard on a new test of spoken Dutch and teaching a course in language assessment. My regular, full-time job plus prep and execution of a college-level course at the same time. *$&#! Never. Again. Honestly, I've enjoyed teaching the course but I just had way too much on my plate to manage, like, life and stuff. The final class was last Saturday, so I'm finally in the home stretch of being a one-job woman again. Which means more time for the fun stuff... like soaping!

This summer did bring a couple really nice distractions from the super-grind, though. I had a very special birthday weekend in Santa Monica visiting with family and college buddies and checking out the amazing Accomplice: Hollywood. Then, of course, there was the bachelorette party and wedding of one of my oldest friends, Levy, earlier this month, which was truly a wonderful - and beautiful - occasion.

Although I've obviously been keeping busy, somehow I feel like it went from May to September in the blink of an eye. No camping trips, out-of-state visits, trips to the beach or any of my other usual summer escapades.

Anyone else vote for extending this year's summer?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Soapy the Germ Fighter

So many things to write, so little time...

I'm all tied up in language assessment this month and, sadly, I have no time for soaping or blogging about soaping.

However, I did come across this lovely little video and I just had to share:
Soapy the Germ Fighter!

Don't you just love cheesy outdated instructional videos? Yay for Soapy!

keeping it clean (and validly assessed)...